Yogyakarta (Antaranews Jogja) - The eras of the fourth industrial revolution necessitates fast and accurate information with the support of information technology, an economic lecturer said.

Sutirman of the Economic Faculty of the Yogyakarta State University (UNY) said in order to produce fast and accurate information, skills are needed in handling digital archives.

"And for that purpose a proper model of education is needed to turn out competent human resources, capable of handling archives digitally in line with the demand of the industrial revolution," Sutirman said speaking at 7th anniversary of the UNY here on Thursday.

He said the model of "blended learning" by integrating strategy of "experiential learning" is an alternative to prepare human resources in facing the challenge brought about by the fourth industrial revolution.

The model of "blended learning" integrates e-learning based "online" education and face-to-face learning at classroom or laboratory (offline), and "experiential learning" is a learning strategy involving participants of learning in real experience in order to construct knowledge, skills and attitude.

"Experiential learning is also often called learning through action, learning by working, learning from experience , and learning from explorations," Sutirman said.

He said one of models of blended learning which integrates the strategy of experiential learning has been applied in digital archive learning .

"Although the model of blended learning by integrating the strategy of experiential learning has only applied in digital; archive learning, it is believed it could be applied in other models of learning which have the same material characteristics," Sutirman said.

Meanwhile, the dean of Economic Faculty of UNY, Sugiharsono, said he hoped the anniversary ceremony could bring about progress and expansion for the faculty to develop skilled human resources in economic field in the era Industrial Revolution 4.0.

"The Economic Faculty of UNY is expected to be able to play a greater role in the national development esp[ecially in economic development oriented to the people`s interest and at the same time contributing to creation of `world class university` for UNY in the era Industrial Revolution 4.0," he said.


Pewarta : Bambang Sutopo Hadi
Editor : Herry Soebanto
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